Starring: May Lee
Category: Talkshow
I wonder people misunderstand the phrase "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery". People, it means your imitation is flattery to the one you're imitating. You are not flattering yourself by imitating others. In fact, think of it, what does that exactly say about you anyway?
I caught a talk show called The MayLee Show, after the host, May Lee. From the looks of it, it was done out of either Hong Kong or Singapore. It was a cookie cutter American talk show. Similar to those that debut on local TV stations in the summer afternoons.
The MayLee Show is a talk show hosted by someone who probably fancies herself as the next Oprah. Or at least the Asian version of it. Leading Asian women in to the 21st century. Being the voice of the modern Asian women. Telling you how it should be, what is in and what is not. If Oprah is your target, the road is very long indeed. In fact, are you sure you are on the right road?
Why does these Asian artistic types always equate Modern to Western? Why does the 'Modern Asian Women' have to look, speak and think like the 'Western Women'. Why do in the pursuit of individuality, which is what the Western world espouses, do people end up copying someone else? How oxymoronic is that?
A talk show should appeal to the audience. Does MayLee really think she really speak for the modern Asian women? The show had less Asian influence than some shows on Asia made in the US. The guest list itself says it all: an actress roundly criticized at home for turning her back on the culture, a pop star who was slammed at home (at least part time because she is only half-asian) for acting insensitively and against the local customs and an extremely annoying chef / cooking / eating show host. At least he was funny in his shows. And come on, wine toasting on the first show? Very Asian... MayLee reminds me about a cooking show host who is Asian but grew up in the West but touting her Asian roots on her cooking show. When all she does is skewer the essence of asian cooking into the mold of Western cuisine / gourmet cooking. Yes you Kylie Kwong. Serves you right when went to China and we got to see how 'Asian' you were. Not! Getting off topic...
And who is this Asian woman MayLee keeps talking about? Who is she? More importantly, where is she? In China, in Bangkok, in Kuala Lumpur, in Mumbai, in Dubai? Isn't it bizarre that a woman from Asia is actually using the narrow Western view of Asia as her own? Even that is no longer the case. People do actually understand that a person from Lahore has very little in common with a lay person in Shanghai. So why is she trying to paint all Asian with the same brush?
It seems that she as touched a nerve doesn't she? Well, people who have soap boxes must learn to use them wisely. The MayLee show is just a waste of time. A show catered to a small, elite clique who are probably self-congratulating themselves with this show. What a waste of potential.
This blog has probably a readership of the fingers of one hand. But if that is the number of people who turn off this show, my post has achieved it's purpose.
May Lee apparently is born and raised Michigan. That explains a lot.
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